How to teach your dog paw

Teaching your dog to paw is a great way to build trust and establish leadership.Pawing is a common canine behavior that you may see at dog parks, at the dog beach or in kennel or training sessions. While it is a great way for dogs to express their energy and fun, it can also be aggressive when used inappropriately.To teach your dog paw, start by encouraging them to do it with toys, tug toys or Kongs. Once they are engaged with the toy, instruct them to paw the toy only and not give it away. Once they have acquired this behavior, move on to real-life paws. Start by giving your dog a toy and asking them to paw the toy. When they do so, give them the toy. Once they are acquiring this behavior, substitute the toy with your hand or another dogs paw and follow the same process – give them the treat only after they paw. Always reward in two-second intervals so that they do not get confused if there are other dogs around you during training.By teaching your dog paw first, you can use it as a cue for playtime as well as for soliciting attention as well as for other situations where you want attention from your pet!

How do you teach paw tricks?

Paw tricks are trained by reinforcing desirable behaviors and prompting appropriate responses from your dog. Help your dog learn the following paw tricks:1. Sitting: To teach your dog to sit, praise her when she performs the behavior and give her treats as a reward. After she sits, immediately offer her a treat. When she sits on command, start offering her the treat from a distance away so she doesn’t associate the command with food.2. Laying Down: To teach your dog to lay down, use a door or couch as a target and cue her to follow you along the way. praise her when she stops at the target and give her a treat when she lays down. Then, have her stay and wait for you to finish whatever it is you’re doing before releasing her from the down position.3. Sleeping: To teach your dog to sleep on command, use a sleeping bag or stuffed animal as a target and cue her to follow you and place herself on the target. praise her when she lays down and give her a treat when she gets back up again.4. Catching Something: To teach your dog how to catch something, place treats inside different kinds of containers such as Christmas ornaments, yogurt cups or milk cartons and give your dog cues to search for the items. Once your dog catches one of the items, have her retrieve it in its original container using only one hand while continuing to give out treats with the other hand (the “paw catch” trick).5. Picking Up Dropped Objects: To teach your dog how to pick up dropped objects, place them in different locations around the house such as at your feet or someplace you’re walking away from and cue your dog to retrieve it. praise him once he picks up the object and drops it into his mouth (the “paw grab” trick).

How to Teach the Give Paw Trick – Dog Training