How much does a dog x ray cost

It depends on where you get the scan done and how old the dog is.The cost is going to be somewhere between $100 and $250.For a full body scan that includes both the front and back, it will cost more than a head only scan.With a full body scan, you can see if there is…

How to teach a dog paw

Having a dog is extremely rewarding. They are often called mans best friend and they are incredibly loving animals. However, having a dog comes with a few responsibilities as well. One of those responsibilities is to take care of their health and hygiene. You should teach your dog how to use the toilet so that…

How to teach a dog to shake a paw

If you want your dog to shake his paw at people, it’s important to teach them how to do it properly. It’s also important not to yank their paw when they’re shaking it – this can make it difficult for them to learn.Start by saying ‘shake’ and then showing your dog the correct way to…

How to teach your dog to play dead

Teaching your dog to play dead is a great way to help your dog feel more comfortable around visitors and other dogs, as well as gain some experience in handling a potentially dangerous situation.While teaching your dog to play dead may seem like a difficult task at first, it is actually very simple. All you…

How to teach your dog to smile

Dogs are naturally happy and smiley creatures, but they can sometimes look a little too serious. By teaching your dog to smile, you can help create a more positive impression of your pet.First, try to catch your dog smiling naturally. Once you have a good look, try to imitate his smile. It is important to…