Why does my dog roll in poop

First, it is not the dogs fault. Second, it is actually quite common. Many animals have a natural tendency to do this.Third, it is also a great way to remove odors and contaminants from your home. Eventually you will have to clean the area that the dog used as a toilet, but at least you…

How to teach dog to roll over

Asking your dog to roll over is a great way to help build their fitness and tone their muscles. By encouraging them to roll, you are facilitating their movement and giving them an outlet for their energy. Additionally, by rolling, your dog is able to utilize a more natural hunting movement as they are able…

Why does my dog roll on his back

Some dogs are just born with a natural thirst for dominance and will try to display it in any way possible, be it barking, growling, or rolling on his back. While some dogs will roll on their backs in order to gain submission from another dog. It is important to remember that dogs can read…

How to train your dog to roll over

There are a few ways to train your dog to roll over. One way is to try and get them to do it on their own by encouragement. Another way is by rewarding them when they roll over. Another way is by force, if you have to have them roll over for a treat or…