How far can a dog smell

The answer to this question is something that may surprise you – but it is actually quite far.A dog’s sense of smell is much more sensitive than ours, and they are capable of detecting even faint odors from a great distance away. This can help them to track down food sources or dangerous prey, and…

How to get rid of dog urine smell outside naturally

There are a range of natural remedies that can help you get rid of dog urine smell outside naturally, depending on the severity of the smell and the environment in which it is detected.Using one or more of these remedies can help you get rid of dog urine smell outside naturally.1. Make Your Yard Smell…

How long does skunk smell last on a dog

The smell of a skunk is quite strong, and can be very unpleasant for both people and animals. The smell usually fades after a few days, but it could take up to two weeks for your dog to get over the smell. If your dog is constantly around the skunk, it could eventually begin to…