How to stop dog from barking at neighbors

You can teach your dog to ignore or be calm around the barking of the neighbors. Try doing stay or down command if the dog is barking. Ignoring or being calm around the barking of the neighbors is a good way to stop the dog from doing it.Another way to stop the dog from barking at the neighbors is using a bark collar. The barking of this device will be responded by a tone. Your dog will learn that if he barks, he will be disciplined.

How do you stop nuisance barking?

There are a number of steps you can take to help reduce the number and severity of nuisance barking, including:1. Make sure your dog is comfortable around other pets and people, as this will help him to develop good social behaviour and curb undesirable behaviours, such as barking.2. Stimulate appropriate behaviour using training techniques such as Clicker Training, or lure training. This can be combined with desensitisation techniques such as counter conditioning, to build up the dog’s responsiveness to your commands.3. Discourage your dog from becoming bored, as this can lead to destructive behaviors such as barking, digging or chewing. Enforce a consistent routine for all household members, particularly if there are children in the household.4. Train your dog in suitable behaviour around areas you wish to be free from barking – this may include confined spaces such as your home or car boot, and public places such as public transport and retail shopping centres.5. Establish a safe outdoors area for your dog to occupy when you are not home – this could be a secure yard with a high fence, or a fenced in garden area with access to a yard through a gate or door.6. Consider providing your dog with the company of another pet – this can provide diversionary activities and provide positive reinforcement for good behaviour around other animals.7. If all else fails and your dog continues to exhibit nuisance barking behaviour after taking these steps, consult with a veterinary professional about medications that may help control the problem (e.g., anti-anxiety drugs).

Stop Your Dog Barking at Neighbor’s Dog