What kind of dog is skye from paw patrol

Scott from paw patrol is skye from pups name recognition. He is a short hound dog with black fur and white paws.As for personality, skye is friendly and likes to be around people. He is also very curious and loves to play.Even though he can be a little rowdy at times, he’s more than likely to make friends with anyone he meets. skye also has a strong sense of duty and will do anything for his friends.He’s also very loyal and loves his family unconditionally. Overall, skye is a great dog who can fit in just about anywhere, no matter what kind of pup you’re looking for.

Is Skye a cockapoo?

No, Skye is not a cockapoo. A cockapoo is a dog with a pug’s face and body who was originally developed in England. The name originates from the cross between a pug and a Yorkshire terrier. The name ‘cockapoo’ for this mix of two dogs’ characteristics became popular in America and Europe due to the popularity of designer pug crosses, which were used to create the look of designer dogs such as Yorkies and Pugs. A Cockapoo can be any mix of two different types of dog, for example like a pug and Yorkshire Terrier mix or like a pug and another type of dog mix, but be sure that the two old dogs are very close in temperament so they can live together in peace but quite different in looks.)

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