How much is it to neuter a dog

We can neuter a dog for between 90 and 200. This depends on a number of factors, including where you live and the size of the dog.The cost will generally be higher if you have your dog neutered at a veterinary clinic rather than a backyard breeder. The cost will also increase if you choose…

Why is my dog sneezing so much

Your dog’s sneezing could be a sign of allergies, viral infections, viruses or other environmental factors. Some of the most common causes of sneezing in dogs include infection, parasites, chemical exposure and food allergies.Sneezing can be a sign of allergies or a reaction to something your pet is exposed to. Dogs with allergies usually experience…

How much kaopectate to give a dog

Question: Fix my son’s flat coller.Info: I have a son who is still living with me. He is 31 yrs old. He is working in a good company. But he dresses terribly, wears coller shirt, vest and jeans. He also has a flat collar which i want fixed as his neck hole has closed. Can…

How much tip dog groomer

It depends on the service the dog and his groomer provide. If the dog is calm and well-groomed, then tip is not necessary. If you are satisfied with the service, then tip is appreciated.If you cannot afford a tip, it is ok to leave some extra money in the pocket as a token of appreciation….

How to teach a dog to roll over

If you teach your dog to roll over, they are likely to enjoy the interaction and will be gaining the ability to get on all fours.Having a dog that can get on all fours will give them more access to your home. It will also allow them to enter your home through small spaces, such…

Why does my dog pant so much at night

If your dog is panting excessively at night it could be a sign of a number of health issues, from very mild to severe. Mild cases may include just a little restlessness and occasional panting at night. Severe cases may include excessive restlessness, pacing and possibly even digging at night in an attempt to find…

How much does a dog trainer cost

The cost of dog trainers varies greatly based on a variety of factors, including the type of training provided, the location, and the experience of the trainer. To get an idea of average dog training costs, you can look online for dog training or dog obedience classes in your area and tuition prices may provide…

How to stop dog from jumping on counter

There are several ways to stop a dog from jumping on the counter, and each dog is different so some will work and some won’t.First, be sure that the counter is appropriate for your dog and his size. If it is small enough for him to fit on or over then that would be great!…

Dog coughs when excited

This is not unusual, however, it may be a sign of illness. There are many possible causes of coughing in dogs, so it is important to get the dog checked out by a vet as soon as possible if this cough continues for more than a couple of weeks. A few possible causes of the…

Dog bites when excited

A dog will bite when it is excited or when it feels threatened, scared, or defensive. If the dog feels threatened, it may feel the need to protect itself or its owner. A dog may also feel compelled to protect its territory and family.If your dog is biting you when you are playing, he is…