How many seizures can a dog have before it dies

A dog has about 200 seizures every day, which is why they can die from seizure disorder. As a seizure begins, your dog will begin to tremble. While the seizure continues, your dog will salivate, paw at the ground, foam at the mouth and may even vomit.Because seizures are involved in more than 70 percent…

What kind of dog is marmaduke

Marmaduke is a kind of dog which is a small breed of the dog. It is the most famous breed of the world. It has got a long, wavy hair and tail. The breeds name comes from its owner in the cartoon memoirthe Film: Marmaduke by Danny DeVito and Adam Sandler.Marmaduke is a canine with…

What kind of dog is snoopy

Im sorry to say, snoopy is a very bad name for a dog. Dogs have different temperaments and personalities, and their names should reflect this. A proper name for your dog should be cheerful and positive, with a happy ring to it. A name like snoopy suggests timid or nervous temperament. Try something more exuberant…

What kind of dog is clifford

Clifford is a type of Poodle. Clifford is a puppy that is bound to grow in confidence and intelligence over the next few years.They are easygoing dogs and require little exercise, but Clifford likes to feel like it is his territory. They are capable of giving the impression of being dominant and their owners have…

Why is my dog pooping so much

Your dogs bathroom routine can be a bit of a mystery. And while it’s true that they do have a superior sense of smell, they are also incredibly good at hiding their excretions.While dogs are known for their famous wit, this one may have to share the intel on the re-filling habits of her litter…

How many times should a dog poop in a day

It is not possible to answer this question with surety as it entirely depends on the dog, its health and its eating habits.But with a given exercise, it is observed that a dog poop 3-5 times a day in average. How long after eating Do dogs poop? youre asking how long after you eat do…

What kind of dog is skye from paw patrol

Scott from paw patrol is skye from pups name recognition. He is a short hound dog with black fur and white paws.As for personality, skye is friendly and likes to be around people. He is also very curious and loves to play.Even though he can be a little rowdy at times, he’s more than likely…

How soon can i walk my dog after neutering

it depends on how much your dog weighs and how active he is. If he isn’t fit, he won’t be able to run as long as he’s heavier. If he’s fit, he will adjust quicker and have less problems with the pain.You can start walking him after 3 days but make sure it’s in a…

What kind of dog was benji

Benji was an English Mastiff who competed in Biscuit, a dog food company’s search and rescue competition and pull toy catching competition. He was named after television’s Benji, the dog that played Private – the first American Shepherd to be on TV – and was mated with a doodle named Sophie.Benji was a rescue dog…

How do I get rid of dog smell in my yard?

Unlike humans, dogs don’t sweat to regulate their body temperature. As such, they don’t need to go potty as often as we do. Therefore, their odor can linger for longer periods of time. If you notice your dog has an unpleasant smell, it may be time to take steps to eliminate the problem.There are a…