Why does my dog throw up so much

There are a number of reasons why your dog might throw up a lot. Stomach upset and constipation are the most common issues, but other causes may include allergies, food intolerance, or chronic disease. If your dog is experiencing these issues, it’s important to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible.If your dog…

How often do dogs need dewormer?

If your dog has regular access to outside and you are worming him with a dewormer, once a month is probably sufficient. There is no reason to overmedicate or over-worry if it is not necessary.

How much is it to cremate a dog in Florida?

It is extremely difficult to give a precise answer to this question as it will depend on a number of factors. However, it is worth noting that the price will vary depending on several factors including the type of service required, the location and the duration of the service.Generally speaking, the cost of cremation in…

What kind of dog is rocky from paw patrol

Rocky from paw patrol is a cute brown dog that likes to explore and play; he also adores his owner, Rocky. Hes full of character and is always up for any adventure!His favourite food is: raw cookie dough, his favourite toy is a scent-sational bone, and his favourite place to sleep is on the couch…

Where can i get a dog whistle

A Dog whistle is a simple device that can help a dog’s hearing. It is a small, whistling device that fits into the dog’s mouth. The whistle produces a much quieter sound than can be heard by people. It allows an individual to communicate with the dog without irritation.There are several places you can purchase…

How far can a dog hear

If a dog can hear, it likely depends on the dog and its environment. All dogs have different hearing abilities, which can be developed with training. As a general rule, dogs can hear higher pitched sounds than humans.A dogs hearing abilities depend on several factors, including the size of the dog and its environment. A…

How hot is too hot to walk your dog

Well, that really depends on your dog and what kind of environment you both are in. If your dog is bred to be outdoorsy, then she probably won’t mind the heat too much. However, if you have a pampered dog who’s used to staying indoors most of the time, then she may become uncomfortable in…

Why does my dog sleep on me and not my husband

It really is normal for a dog to find their owner the most comfortable and relaxing place to sleep. Your dog may be feeling secure and confident in your home, so they may want to take that reassurance in the most secure place of all on top of you.Your dog may also be sleep walking….

What can i give my dog to sleep at night

There are a few things you can give your dog to help him fall asleep and stay asleep. The first thing you can do is make sure his environment is comfortable. Make sure he has his favorite toys and treats, a comfy bed, and an area where he can hide if he gets frightened or…

What kind of dog is pluto

A Pluto is a small, sturdy dog that’s very energetic yet obedient. It needs regular walks and exercise. A Pluto will do best with a family that has plenty of room to play. Because of its size and energy, a Pluto may not be the best choice for a home with children.The name is derived…